Evolving the nbn™ network to meet future demand
Corporate Plan 2021 highlights:
- NBN Co’s highest peak wholesale download speed tiers of 500 Mbps to close to 1 Gbps1 available on demand to an estimated 75 per cent of homes and businesses on the fixed-line network by 20232, plus dedicated regional co-investment funding
- Investment in a range of initiatives to provide businesses across Australia with on-demand capability to support innovation, productivity and growth
- $4.5 billion network investment plan to be funded by private debt, which is forecast to create an additional 25,000 jobs in Australia.
Evolving through investment
As part of our Corporate Plan 2021, we are investing $4.5 billion, funded entirely by private debt and starting work immediately. This investment into the digital backbone of the nation is forecast to create 25,000 additional jobs in Australia.
This phase of network investment includes:
Making our highest wholesale speed plans available to more Australians

This includes:
- Deeper fibre rollout: Premises connected to the nbn™ network via FTTN technology that require higher speeds will be able to access higher wholesale speed tiers via FTTP technology. This will be done by using existing fibre infrastructure already built to nodes and investing in the continued rollout of fibre deeper into neighbourhoods. Customers living or working in these areas will be able to place an order with any participating internet provider for a higher speed nbn™ Home Fast, nbn™ Home Superfast or nbn™ Home Ultrafast broadband plan. At that point, we will complete the build of the fibre lead-in to the premises. Following further detailed planning and development of business rules for lead-ins, we will be in position to release further information on timing and locations.
- Investments in HFC network: Nearly 2.5 million premises in capital cities connected to nbn’s HFC network will benefit from access to higher speed capability. The planned upgrade to this network will offer all HFC customers access to the nbn™ Home Ultrafast plan, currently available to 7 per cent of HFC-connected premises. When we launched higher speed tiers earlier this year, participating retailers were able to sell retail plans based on the nbn™ Home Fast speed tier to all customers connected to the nbn by HFC and the nbn™ Home Superfast speed tier was available to approximately 70 per cent of HFC-connected premises.
- Speed uplift for Fibre-to-the-Curb (FTTC) customers: We will aim to enable premises connected to nbn via FTTC technology to access the nbn™ Home Superfast and nbn™ Home Ultrafast speed plans through on-demand enablement and deployment of G.fast capability or the provision of fibre lead-ins in certain circumstances. G.fast technology essentially gives us the ability to deliver greater speeds to customers connected to our network via FTTC.
Supporting business innovation, productivity, and growth

Up to $700 million will be invested in a multi-faceted package of initiatives over the next three years to support business innovation, productivity and growth. The initiatives recognise the growing importance of online collaboration and cloud-based productivity tools for businesses and increasing demand for premium-grade business nbn™ solutions.
Working together to co-invest in regional and rural Australia

Investing in our customers
Additional jobs and GDP boost forecast

1 Regardless of the retail service you purchase, the actual wholesale speeds delivered by nbn’s highest wholesale speed tiers of 500 to close to 1000 Mbps will be less than 1Gbps due to equipment and network limitations and the peak information rate may fall anywhere in this range. In addition, the HFC Home Ultrafast bandwidth profile downstream service provided to retail providers is a ranged profile with a maximum sustained information rate of 750Mbps. Reference to speeds are not end user speeds; they are wholesale layer 2 peak information rate bandwidth provided to retail providers. An end customer’s experience, including the speeds actually achieved over the nbn network, depends on some factors outside our control (like equipment quality, software, and how your retail service provider designs its network) and the nbn technology used for your connection.
2 Wholesale speeds subject to the access technology by which the service is supplied.