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Riverstone switches onto superfast broadband

26 July 2013

4000 extra premises passed in Blacktown

The National Broadband Network has been switched on in Riverstone today. Around 700 families and businesses are the first in the area to be able to upgrade to superfast broadband, with a further 3400 premises expected to be able to activate in the coming months.

In addition to Riverstone, NBN Co has also passed a further 4000 premises in Blacktown bringing the total to around 5300 premises. That figure is expected to hit over 9000 in the coming months.

“People should make the switch as soon as possible so they can start experiencing the benefits of superfast broadband,” NBN Co spokesperson Darren Rudd said.

“Over the NBN, Riverstone families and businesses can enjoy a high-speed internet connection with multiple devices connected all at once. They can work from home with ease and enjoy video calls without worrying about constant drop outs,*” Mr Rudd said.

Mayor of Blacktown City, Councillor Len Robinson said. “Already the NBN is creating real results for our local community, with the local library in Riverstone now a Digital Hub which provides locals with free training and the opportunity to use NBN-enabled technologies.”

“With a population as large as Blacktown City, including relatively isolated communities like Riverstone, we simply cannot be left behind, so it’s fantastic to be at the forefront of the NBN rollout” Mr Robinson said.

To find out whether you are one of the first 700 homes and businesses please visit

Premises in Riverstone can currently sign up to NBN packages from eight phone and internet service providers.

All you have to do is call your preferred phone or internet service provider to order a service over the NBN. Once you’ve made an order, your service provider will arrange for the NBN to be installed inside your home or business.

Construction on building the fibre network in parts of the adjacent areas of South Windsor, Londonderry, Richmond, Box Hill, Doonside and Liverpool continues.



MEDIA INQUIRIES:              

Holly Hearne

(m) 0427 957 393

Joe Dennis

(m) 0408 600 303




Notes to Editors

  • NBN Co does not charge consumers for a standard installation of NBN equipment in a home or business. Consumers should speak to their service provider to see if they have any other charges such as set up or activation fees. All Australian homes and businesses within the fibre footprint will ultimately need to access voice and internet services over the NBN as existing landline phone, ADSL internet and Telstra and Optus cable internet services are progressively switched off##.

*     End user experience including the speeds actually achieved over the NBN depends on some factors outside our control like equipment quality, software, broadband plans and how their service provider designs its network.

##      For a list of existing services that are not replaced by the NBN visit or call us on 1800 687 626


Riverstone switches onto superfast broadband

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