Start the Chat on Safer Internet Day
If you’re anything like me, you love a good chat – especially ones that are meaningful.
Whether with friends and family, or with our workmates, the most important conversations we can have with each other are the ones that help us to feel valued and safe.
And, in an increasingly digital age, this includes feeling safe online.
Safer Internet Day
At nbn, online safety and security is a priority for us every day – for our employees and for everyone, right across Australia, using services over the nbn™ network.
That’s why we’re proud to support the important work of the eSafety Commissioner and Safer Internet Day.
Recognised across the globe and celebrated in more than 170 countries, on Safer Internet Day “the world comes together with a shared vision of making online experiences better for everyone”.
And these better online experiences can be as easy as starting the chat.
Start the chat
From young to old, and the inexperienced through to the expert, none of us are immune to negative experiences online.
As part of our commitment to being the most trusted and secure network in Australia, we encourage our employees to speak up about online safety and security in all aspects of their work.
This Safer Internet Day, we’re encouraging you to do the same.
Help others, and yourself, by starting the chat about online safety.
Available on the eSafety Commissioner’s website are a raft of resources to help you start the chat with young children and school students, family and friends, or in your workplace and community.

Join us: Security Awareness Training Session
This year, on Safer Internet Day, nbn is hosting a webinar on scams awareness and staying safe on the internet for the community:
When: Tuesday 9 February at 2pm (AEST)

In our personal lives, we don’t always talk about internet safety. Perhaps, even rarely. Yet it’s one of the simplest things we can do to help keep each other safe online.
As parents, we need to start the chat with our kids; as friends and family, with those we care about; and as colleagues and caring community members, starting the chat is equally important.
So, why not start the chat about online safety today? Because, when it comes to online safety, there really is no time like the present.