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Weekly rollout metrics

30 October 2013

Detailed data and updated website maps open up Australia’s largest infrastructure project to more transparency

The company overseeing the delivery of the National Broadband Network today begins publishing a weekly report charting the progress of the rollout. Previously the company published quarterly updates.

A table containing the information will be posted each week on the NBN Co website at The data is correct as at the Sunday of the week preceding its release.

The information also distinguishes for the first time between those premises passed by fibre that are able to connect to the NBN and those that are not yet able to obtain a service (typically because they are located in a multi dwelling unit, such as an apartment building or shopping mall).

The company is also today updating the rollout maps on the NBN Co website to provide residents with clarity around those areas where (a) the physical building of the NBN has started or (b) is about to start (c) as well as locations where services are already available.

The rollout of the fixed-line network is underway for approximately 300,000 homes and businesses in built-up areas (“brownfields”).

The maps will be updated when further areas enter the building stage and the shape of the rollout becomes clearer following the completion of the Strategic Review into the NBN.

NBN Co executive chairman, Dr. Ziggy Switkowski, said:

“The publication of the weekly metrics and clearer maps is a first step in providing for increased scrutiny and transparency of NBN Co and its activities.”

According to the information for the week ending Sunday 27 October:

  • 107,230 premises are using the NBN across the fibre, fixed wireless and interim satellite networks;
  • Of this total, 40,441 are receiving the NBN via fibre to the premises in brownfields communities with a further 21,801 fibre users in new developments (or “greenfields” estates). In addition there are 41,482 satellite users and 3506 fixed wireless users.
  • In the brownfields fibre footprint specifically, 229,398 premises are passed by the fibre optic cable. Of these, 158,712 premises – or 69%  – are currently able to order an NBN service.

The metrics also allow people to gauge the recent performance of the NBN with the inclusion of data dating back to the commencement of the financial year.

Variations in data week to week can result from the validation of address data. Other factors that have impacted the build include mobilisation issues and the recent halt to work on pit and pipe infrastructure while a review of asbestos maintenance and handling procedures was carried out.

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Andrew Sholl

0448 805 806



  • NBN Co is committed to fulfilling the Commonwealth’s policy goal of ensuring all Australians have access to very fast broadband as soon, cost-effectively and affordably as possible.
  • The requirement to carry out the Strategic Review is contained in the Government’s Interim Statement of Expectations to NBN Co.
  • The Interim Statement of Expectations directs the company to continue to roll out fibre to the premises while the Strategic Review is underway. It also gives NBN Co the flexibility to use a wider range of technologies to connect homes and businesses to the National Broadband Network.
  • Variations in number from week to week reflect the modular construction program. The construction program is completed in blocks, so variations may occur. Following completion of the construction process passing premises in the streets, further validation of address data is undertaken of the ‘as-built’ network against estimated obtained from national address data. There may be some fluctuation in numbers from week to week as a result


Weekly rollout metrics

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