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More Toowoomba families and businesses ready to connect

22 June 2012

NBN Co has today announced that families and businesses in areas around Toowoomba will soon be able to order a fixed wireless service.

A fixed wireless trial, which currently makes the service available to an area that covers 290 homes and businesses, is already underway in Blanchview, Postmans Ridge, and Withcott.

In addition, more than 450 premises in areas around Toowoomba will soon be able to order a service as a part of the current trial.

Fixed wireless customers will soon be able to order a service through one of the 12 internet service providers:

Ace Internet Services
Aussie Broadband
Clear Networks

“Today's announcement is great news for these additional premises that are among the first in Australia to be able to order and connect to a fixed wireless NBN service,” NBN Co's Head of Product Management Jim Hassell said.

“People living in these areas will soon receive a letter which sets out three easy steps to get connected.

“We're encouraging people to call their preferred internet service provider, select the appropriate package that's right for them and connect by co-ordinating with their service provider a time for the NBN Co equipment to be installed and activated,” he said.

“Ordering and connecting to a service will bring the world to their door and it's the first step in improving the way locals live and work.

“Keeping in touch with family and friends, opening up entertainment opportunities and accessing educational content is easier with high speed, reliable broadband.

“NBN Co's fixed wireless network is designed to offer internet service providers with wholesale download access speeds of up to 12Mbps, with plans for higher speeds to become available in the future.*

“Unlike mobile phone networks, where speeds experienced by end-users can be affected by the number of people moving into and out of the area, the NBN fixed-wireless service is engineered to deliver high-speed broadband to a set number of premises in a coverage footprint.

“What this means is end users will experience greater consistency in the speed and quality of service than mobile broadband services typically deliver,” Mr Hassell said.


Holly Hearne
Phone: 02 8918 8408
Mobile: 0427 957 393

Notes to editors

  • The National Broadband Network is designed to provide high-speed broadband access to 100% of premises - approximately 93% of premises by fibre, and the remaining seven per cent via fixed wireless or satellite.
  • NBN Co plans to install fibre in towns of 1000 premises or more, or to some towns with as few as 500 premises where the town is located on an NBN fibre transit link.
  • NBN Co's fixed wireless and satellite networks will serve communities with low population density where it is impractical or uneconomical to roll out fibre optic cable.
  • Fixed wireless services are delivered by radio communications via antennas that transmit a signal direct to a small outdoor antenna on your home or business.
  • A standard installation of network equipment, including an outdoor antenna and a network termination device will be free of charge.
  • Before the network equipment is installed a service validation test will be carried out, those premises which are unable to be served by fixed wireless will receive NBN Co's Long Term Satellite service.
  • In fixed wireless areas copper phone lines will remain in place to provide a telephone service.
  • For more information visit

* NBN Co is designing the NBN to be capable of delivering these speeds to NBN Co's wholesale customers (internet service providers). Speeds achieved and applications received by retail customers will depend on a number of factors including the quality of their equipment and in-premises connection, the broadband plans offered by their service provider and how their service provider designs its network to cater for multiple end users.

* Updated 18 July 2012


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More Toowoomba families and businesses ready to connect NBN Co has today announced that families and businesses in areas around Toowoomba will soon be able to order a fixed wireless service.

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