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nbn reaches four million homes; network one third built

08 February 2017

nbn has reached a significant rollout milestone, with four million premises now Ready for Service (RFS) on the nbn™ network. This landmark means that the nbn™ network is now available to more than one third of all Australian premises.

By the end of December 2014 nbn had made 778,824 premises RFS. In the following two years, a further 3.22 million premises have been made RFS.

In the last two years nbn has launched four technologies: FTTB, FTTN, HFC and Sky Muster satellite broadband. FTTN is the driving force behind the increased pace of the build thanks to the very fast pace with which it can be designed and deployed with well over 1 million FTTN premises already RFS.

nbn Chief Network Engineering Officer Peter Ryan said:

“Reaching four million premises RFS is a great achievement and is a testament to the hard work of our people and our delivery partners.

“We now have the flexibility and the right technologies in place to design and build the network at the speed and scale needed to reach our end goal by 2020.

“With these four million premises our halfway built milestone comes into focus – we are expecting to reach this around the middle of the year.”

Media enquiries

James Kaufman

Tony Brown

Phone: +61 408 704 288

Phone: +61 409 673 843



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Notes to Editors

  • By 2020 nbn’s goal is for all Australians to have access to the nbn™ network, with a forecast 11.9 million premises RFS and 8 million premises activated on the network.
  • At week ending 2 February there were 1,764,661 premises active on the nbn™ network.

nbn™ reaches four million homes; network one third built

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