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NBN Co commits to improved wholesale service standards

12 September 2018

NBN Co is committed to working closely with retail service providers to improve customer experience.

NBN Co has contributed positively to the ACCC’s Service Standards Inquiry and is pleased to have reached agreement with the ACCC on some enhancements to our service commitments. NBN Co has offered a voluntary undertaking to the ACCC which includes a new $25 rebate for missed appointments that will be automatically paid without RSPs needing to claim. It also includes the automatic payment of the existing $25 rebate for missed activation and fault repair timeframes to NBN Co’s wholesale customers in 100 per cent of instances (up from our current 90 per cent threshold), subject to standard exclusions. 

NBN Co anticipates that retail service providers will take reasonable steps to ensure that affected homes and businesses receive (in monetary or other form) a fair value benefit of these rebates.

In addition, the undertaking also commits to enhancements to the reporting provided to retail service providers.

The undertaking is now in effect and NBN Co will work closely with retail service providers over the coming months to implement the improved service standards. These changes will be offered equally to all of NBN Co’s wholesale customers by way of an offer to vary their Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Enhanced reporting on the fixed wireless network

The company has been working hard on upgrades to the fixed wireless network and last month committed to an additional $800 million for capacity improvements.

Moving forward, NBN Co has committed to new public reporting on the performance of the fixed wireless network. These updates will form part of the company’s monthly progress report which includes metrics between NBN Co and service providers related to customer experience

Media enquiries


Jace Armstrong

Phone: 0431 987 599


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