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NBN Co launches business nbn™ solution finder to help businesses find the right broadband plan for their needs

25 June 2019

Wholesale discount bundles now available to meet the different needs of Australian businesses.

NBN Co today announced the launch of wholesale discount bundles over the fixed line nbn™ broadband access network, as well as the business nbn™ solution finder, a new online tool designed to help businesses understand the type of solution they should discuss with their retail service provider.

The wholesale discount bundles offer service providers a combination of access to high speeds, committed bandwidth and premium service levels at a discounted wholesale charge. The move is designed to deliver savings to retail service providers and assist them to meet the needs of businesses.

The wholesale discount bundles include:

  • business nbn™ Basic Bundle: Wholesale speeds of 50/20Mbps or 100/40Mbps optimised for smaller businesses*
  • business nbn™ Premium Bundle S: Wholesale speeds of 50/20Mbps or 100/40Mbps with symmetrical committed speeds of 1/1Mbps designed for multiple phone lines for medium-sized businesses**
  • business nbn™ Premium Bundle M: Wholesale symmetrical committed speeds of 20/20Mbps with a minimum of 100/40Mbps peak information rate^^ for medium to large businesses requiring highly reliable networks to carry their business-critical applications**
  • business nbn™ Premium Bundle L: Wholesale symmetrical committed speeds of 50/50Mbps and a minimum of 250/100Mbps peak information rate^^. for data-intensive and multi-site organisations**
  • A minimum 12 hour enhanced service level agreement with 24/7 support between NBN Co and retailer is included in all the wholesale discount bundles.

Enhanced service assurance levels will be supported by the new business nbn™ Operations Centre with a dedicated team of more than 100 experts to provide specialist technical support. In addition, to help improve service continuity and reduce interruption for businesses, selected wholesale discount bundles also include the option to install a subsequent line to test critical applications before connecting to the nbn™ access network^.

Different businesses have different internet needs. The nbn™ solution finder is designed to help businesses find the right combination of wholesale products and services with the bandwidth and support services their business requires. The tool was created in response to extensive research with Australian businesses and service providers that revealed most businesses are not sure what business products and service attributes they need for their unique business demands.

To find the right business nbn™ solution NBN Co has launched a dedicated page on its website at: (live at 2pm, Tuesday 25 June 2019).

NBN Co’s Chief Customer Officer, Paul Tyler, said:

“Australia is a nation of growing businesses and we want to give all businesses confidence they are on the right broadband plan to service their unique business needs. The business nbn™ solution finder is an easy to use online tool that will help businesses order the most suitable business-grade solution available from their internet provider.”

“For businesses of all sizes, it’s important that they select the appropriate business nbn™ solution to meet their needs, including the right speeds, committed bandwidth and service level assurance.”

Extensive research of Australian businesses and internet providers found that many businesses may not be connected to the right broadband plan to meet their needs. Around two thirds of micro businesses (1-4 employees) operate from a residential premises and more than three quarters of those are currently using a residential plan rather than a plan designed for business purposes such as video conferencing, video surveillance, access to remote back-ups and cloud application software.

Council of Small Businesses of Australia Chief Executive Officer, Peter Strong said:

“We are pleased to see NBN Co recognise the unique service requirements of different businesses and that they are working together with retail service providers to highlight the broadband choices available. Using the solution finder, our members will have a better understanding of their needs and how to have a productive conversation with their retailer about nbn™ solutions.”

Australian Information Industry Association Chief Executive Officer, Ron Gauci said:

“Businesses going digital have a great opportunity to create new ways of working, improve efficiency, drive productivity and get closer to their customers. We have businesses with varied levels of digital maturity Australia, and what we know is that one thing they all need is the right tools, including broadband. Being able to match their unique business needs with broadband solutions with the nbn™ solution finder is a great step towards increasing their capability.”

Research conducted for nbn by economics firm AlphaBeta showed that the nbn™ access network is helping create new businesses and support much needed flexibility for workers. By 2021, there could be between 30,000 and 80,000 additional new businesses created as a result of the nbn™ access network, and up to 47,300 additional people using the network to work from home.

Notes to editors:

  • *References to 50/20Mbps and 100/40Mbps include 25-50/5-20 Mbps and 25-100/5-40 Mbps bandwidth profiles on some access technologies. End User experience, including the speeds actually achieved over the nbn™ access network, depends on the nbn™ access technology and configuration over which services are delivered to an End User premises, whether the End User is using the internet during the busy period, and some factors outside NBN Co’s control (like End User equipment quality, software, broadband plans, signal reception and how the retail service provider designs its network).
  • **The peak information rate of each service will depend on the AVC TC-4 bandwidth profile purchased by the retail service provider. The AVC TC-4 bandwidth profile will not be included as part of the business-grade wholesale discount bundles provided to the Service Provider, but may be separately eligible for a High Bandwidth Bundles Discount.
  • ^A subsequent installation discount is offered on selected business bundles when migrating from an existing copper network to NBN Co’s FTTB, FTTN or FTTC access technologies.
  • ^^To purchase the committed bandwidth tiers that form part of the Premium Bundle M and Premium Bundle L, the provider must also separately purchase, at a minimum, the best efforts bandwidth products outlined in the table for those nbn™ wholesale bundles.
  • NBN Co is a wholesale provider and does not set retail prices. Phone and internet providers will decide the retail price of plans providing business services to end users. These services not be available on the nbn™ Fixed Wireless or Satellite networks.
  • NBN Co will make the wholesale discounts available to all phone and internet providers that have signed the Wholesale Broadband Agreement and comply with the terms of the discounts (which are set out in the Discounts, Credits and Rebates List).

business nbn™ wholesale business bundles


1 business nbn™ wholesale bundle discounts are not available for products supplied via the nbn™ Fixed Wireless or Sky Muster™ satellite access networks. Your experience, including the speeds actually achieved over the nbn™ broadband access network, depends on the technology over which services are delivered to your premises and some factors outside our control (like your equipment quality, software, signal quality, broadband plans and how your service provider designs its network). nbn is a provider of wholesale speeds to service providers. The nbn™ wholesale speed tiers available to your service provider vary depending on the access technology in your area.

2 To purchase the committed bandwidth tiers that form part of the Premium Bundle M and Premium Bundle L, the provider must also separately purchase, at a minimum, the best efforts bandwidth products outlined in the table for those business nbn™ wholesale bundles.

3 Please note that the restoration targets here only apply where the fault can be rectified remotely or where your premises is located in an urban centre with a population of 10,000 or above. Different restoration targets apply if your premises is located outside these urban centres. Please note also that the restoration targets are the targets offered by nbn to service providers – the restoration targets offered to you by your service provider may differ from those listed.

4 Products with wholesale symmetrical committed bandwidths of 20/20Mbps are not available for all premises connected to the nbn™ FTTN, FTTB or FTTC networks. Please contact your service provider for details of the symmetrical committed bandwidths that are available at your premises.

Media enquiries

Tim Marshall
Mobile: 0400 005 373

NBN Co Media Hotline
Mobile: 02 9927 4200

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