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Multi-technology nbn will lift Australia’s broadband performance, says CEO

Fibre-to-the-node will deliver fast, reliable broadband

nbn CEO Bill Morrow says fibre-to the node (FTTN) technology will help to lift Australia’s position as a world leader in the delivery of fast, reliable broadband.

Speaking at the ASTRA Conference in Sydney today, Mr Morrow said while he understands there is keen interest in the nbn’s technology capabilities, observers should resist rushing to judgement before they see the evidence of faster speeds.

Mr Morrow said recent comments by commentators that suggest FTTN would mean Australia’s becoming an “internet backwater” were simply wrong.

“Further, to suggest we have “quietly dropped” a Government-mandated target of delivering at least 25 megabits per second (Mbps) download speed to all Australian premises is also a misnomer.

"On the contrary, our network has the potential to deliver 50 Mbps speeds to more than 90 per cent of fixed-line premises. More than half the network will be capable of achieving gigabit per second (Gbps) speeds.

“The fact is, today's nbn™ network will provide access to very fast speeds to meet the needs of Australians, sooner and at less cost to taxpayers. Importantly, there is an upgrade path should demand exceed current capacity.”

“It is expected that when the nbn™ network is completed, Australia will be on an equal if not better footing than most of our global peers in terms of broadband delivery speeds.

“Advances in technology will breathe new life into existing infrastructure.”

FTTN technology connects a new fibre optic cable framework to a node on the street. This then links to the existing copper network already wired into homes and businesses, to deliver faster broadband services. Using the existing infrastructure to connect to the home means there is no need to dig up driveways and garden beds.

Mr Morrow said that later this month, nbn will launch its first commercial FTTN services to retail service providers which will eventually be rolled out to an estimated 38 per cent of end-users across Australia.

“The good news is that most FTTN trial subscribers are getting speeds of around 100 Mbps for premises up to 400 metres away from the node and 50 Mbps for premises as far as 700 metres from the node.* 

nbn is now planning trials of G.Fast technology which will open the way for Gigabit FTTN services in the future,” he said.

Media enquiries

Andrew Sholl

nbn™ Media Hotline

Phone: 0448 805 806

Phone: 02 9927 4200




Notes to Editors

  • nbn provides services to its wholesale customers, telephone and internet service providers, and does not provide services directly to end users. End user experience including the speeds achieved over the nbn™ network are dependent on the technology over which services are delivered to their premises and some factors outside nbn control like equipment quality, software, broadband plans and how the end user’s service provider designs its network.


Multi-technology nbn will lift Australia’s broadband performance, says CEO

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