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Central Victoria FW Switch On

18 March 2014

More than 2,600 Central Victorians can benefit from fast broadband

Farms, homes and businesses across parts of 25 Central Victorian communities can now switch to the National Broadband Network.

NBN Co’s fixed wireless network is now available to more than 2,600 premises in parts of the following communities:


  • Bet Bet
  • Lockwood South
  • Costerfield
  • Tooboorac
  • Longlea
  • Laanecoorie
  • Heathcote (surrounds)
  • Willowmavin
  • Ravenswood
  • Tarnagulla
  • Broadfoard (surrounds)
  • Castlemain (surrounds)
  • Bradford North
  • Newstead
  • Pyalong
  • Faraday
  • Harcourt South
  • Muckleford
  • Guildford
  • malmsbury
  • Tylden
  • Kyneton (surrounds)
  • Eddington
  • kilmore West
  • Shelbourne


NBN Co spokesperson Trent Williams said, “We’re bringing fast broadband to the bush. These fixed wireless services are designed to deliver internet speeds that many in the big cities take for granted today.”*

Harcourt resident, Kathryn Coff said, "We have four kids under 16 years of age who all use the internet for school. So it's very important for their education that we have a fast and reliable internet connection.

"We also live on a farm, and before connecting to services over the NBN we had to use our mobile phones to connect to the internet. This was very slow; we couldn’t enjoy many benefits of the internet, like people in the city.

"Now with the NBN, the whole family can get online at once. Our kids are video calling a teacher in Japan, while my husband streams movies over our Smart TV – all at the same time. It's completely changed the way we use the internet,”* Mrs Coff said.

Bruce Winzar, Chair of iBendigo Loddon Mallee said, "Fast broadband will give communities in Central Victoria access to the latest telehealth services, including virtual consultations via video conferencing and the ability to easily transfer large digital images, like x-rays.*

“Previously impossible here without the NBN, telehealth services can save regional Victorian families huge amounts of time and money – as some special consultations in the city may be reduced from a full day, including travel and waiting time, to around 30 minutes, via a telehealth consultation on the NBN."*

NBN Co encourages all Central Victorian residents to visit NBN Co’s website to see if their home or business is included in an area that can connect to the NBN:

Families and businesses in the Central Victorian region that can and want to switch to the NBN should call their preferred local telephone and internet service provider to order a service today.

A range of telephone and internet service providers are available to connect families and businesses to the NBN. For more information visit:


Grant Thomas

Phone: 02 8918 5853

Mobile: 0417 554 787

  • NBN Co’s fixed wireless facilities are designed to service less densely populated communities across Australia surrounding major townships.
  • NBN Co’s fixed wireless service offers wholesale download speeds of up to 25 megabits per second and wholesale upload speeds of up to five megabits per second to telephone and internet service providers.**
  • End user experience, including the speeds actually achieved over the NBN, depends on some factors outside NBN Co’s control like equipment quality, software, broadband plans and how the end user’s service provider designs its network
  • Fixed wireless services are delivered by radio communications via antennas that transmit a signal direct to a small outdoor antenna on your home or business.
  • Before the network equipment is installed a service validation test will be carried out.  Those premises which are unable to be served by fixed wireless may be able to receive NBN Co’s long term satellite service when it becomes available.  Visit for more information.
  • In fixed wireless areas copper phone lines will remain in place to provide a landline telephone service.
  • A standard installation of NBN equipment is currently free of charge. Residents should ask their preferred service provider if they have any other fees.
  • For more information visit

* User experience, including the speeds actually achieved over the NBN, depends on some factors outside NBN Co’s control, like equipment quality, software, broadband plans and how a service provider designs its network.

** NBN Co’s designing the NBN to provide these speeds to its wholesale customers, telephone and internet service providers. End user experience including the speeds actually achieved over the NBN depends on some factors outside NBN Co’s control like equipment quality, software, broadband plans and how the end user’s service provider designs its network.


Central Victorian communities switch-on to National Broadband Network

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