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G.Fast set for nearly 30 million end users by 2021

17 October 2016

New nbn-BT report ‘Gigabit Networks’ predicts bright future for G.Fast and XG.Fast

A new Ovum report jointly commissioned by nbn and BT has predicted that new ultra-fast copper technology will be serving nearly 30 million subscriber homes and businesses around the world by 2021. This is just four years after the first commercial services are due to launch in 2017.

“In 2021, Ovum expects to be supporting nearly 29 million subscribers, representing 3% of the global fixed broadband market,” the Gigabit Networks report says.

“As an emerging technology, the growth in new subscribers is expected to accelerate in each year, rising from 330,000 in 2017 to nearly 11.5 million in 2021.”

nbn held its first trial in October 2015 and has been conducting additional lab trials of XG.FAST in recent weeks.

nbn recently announced its intention to deploy Fibre-to-the-Curb (FTTC) technology to approximately 700,000 premises – giving an ideal platform for potentially deploying both future and XG.FAST services.

Ovum is forecasting particularly strong take-up of in Europe, with operators including BT, Swisscom, Deutsche Telekom, Telekom Austria and Proximus (Belgium) all planning to deploy technology to deliver affordable ultrafast connectivity quickly and cost-effectively.

“About 11% of broadband services in Western Europe may be delivered via within five years, with a number of major markets already including the technology in their upgrade plans,” the Gigabit Networks report says.

Openreach, BT’s local network division, is expected to be one of the first operators in the world to launch commercial services with a launch expected during 2017.

It is aiming to make ultrafast speeds available to 12 million premises in the UK by the end of 2020 – using a mix of and Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) technologies.

Openreach is already working to conduct the largest field trials in the world, delivering speeds of up to 330Mbps. The company recently announced an extension to its pilot which will see around 140,000 homes and businesses across the country given access to by March 2017.



Gigabit Networks points out that XG.FAST will enable service providers to take DSL-based broadband to an entirely new level.

“Developed by Nokia Bell Labs, XG-FAST is targeting throughput of up to 10Gbps over very short bonded copper lines,” the report says.

“This effectively positions XG-FAST as a fibre extension solution that avoids the cost, and often logistical challenges, of accessing the premises.”


Dennis Steiger, nbn's Chief Technology Officer, said:

“This report shows the potential that has for delivering ultra-fast broadband services in the global market.

“It is very challenging to deliver fibre into every home. Having the option to use in a Fibre-to-the-Building or Fibre-to-the-Curb setting is a great option for any operator.

“With able to deliver fibre-like speeds at a lower cost and time to deploy, it’s little surprise the technology is attracting strong global interest," said Steiger.

Clive Selley, CEO of Openreach, said:

“Our aim is to make ultrafast broadband available to 12 million homes and businesses in the UK by the end of 2020, and we’re embracing a mix of technologies with and FTTP to achieve that.

“We have pioneered in our labs, driven the global standards, and have been working closely with our communications provider customers on the trials, so we’re very excited that it’s time to start rolling this technology out nationwide.

“The great thing about is that allows us to deliver affordable ultrafast speeds to customers quickly and at scale.”


Matthew Howett, Practice Leader, Regulation & Policy, Ovum said:

“ is a progressive and logical step for any network operator looking to deliver ultrafast speeds through incremental enhancements to existing infrastructure. It allows them to radically improve the available speeds for large numbers of subscribers in a much shorter timeframe than other fibre based solutions.”


Media enquiries

Tony Brown

James Kaufman

Phone: 0409 673 843

Phone: 0408 702 229



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Gigabit Networks - G.Fast and XG.FAST services

Ovum Report
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G.Fast set for nearly 30 million end users by 2021

Media Release
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