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Three ways broadband will change how we learn in 2015

Greater bandwith in the classroom will open the gate to an exciting world of learning beyond our shores

As Aussie kids get set for another big school year, we’ve asked Richard Olsen, guru in online learning, to list his top predictions on how new technologies and fast broadband will change what our classrooms look like in the coming 12 months.

1. A weight off their shoulders

As more and more students swap their notepads for notebooks, the idea of a paperless classroom will become more and more real. However, nothing becomes obsolete over night but I can definitely see a decrease in textbooks as eBooks become a more practical and cost effective option for students.

2. Reimagining the school excursion

The idea of video excursions or ‘incursions’ made possible by access to fast broadband in the classroom and at home and in the school will see students able to access experts and locations all across the globe. This will present exciting opportunities for Aussie students to experience the world from whever they are located.

3. The 24-hour-classroom

Advancements in technology, along with fast and accessible internet access via the NBN, will mean that homework and at-home learning is no longer an isolated and unassisted activity. One of the most exciting changes to homework and e-learning is that students can become creators as well as consumers. We are now seeing children making their own videos, writing blogs, and uploading videos to YouTube. Not only are they celebrating their achievements, they’re also sharing their discoveries and providing assistance and instruction for others.

Richard Olsen, Australian Technology and Education Expert

Richard Olsen is a doctoral candidate at Monash University, currently researching how modern technologies improve school learning. He is the author of Understanding Virtual Pedagogies: Collective Knowledge Construction and the creator of the 12 Principles of Modern Learning.

Passionate about online learning communities, social networking, inquiry-based learning and game-based learning, Richard has experience as the Assistant Director of ideasLAB, an education research and development incubator in Melbourne, Australia. Prior to joining ideasLAB, Richard was ICT Coordinator at Mill Park Heights Primary School and Concord School where he implemented a number of social and virtual learning initiatives.

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