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Access Bandwidth Service Layer 3 (ABSL3)

A wholesale product developed for enterprise and government customers who require the network performance that is essential to connect to private networks and access business critical applications.

High network performance

Enterprise applications demand committed data networks. ABSL3 is designed to offer Committed Information Rate (CIR) and optional Peak Information Rate (PIR) bandwidth profiles with speeds up to 150/15Mbps.


With contended, uncontended CIR, and PIR burst options, ABSL3 is designed to provide service providers the flexibility so end customers can consume bandwidth when they need it most.^

High reliability 

ABSL3 is built on a reliable network architecture designed for access to businesses critical applications and solutions.

Key features are:

The ABSL3 wholesale product provides the flexibility for service providers to order Committed Information Rate (CIR) bandwidth of up to 50Mbps forward and 13Mbps return in 1Mbps increments with no data usage limit (subject to fair use policy).  

The CIR bandwidth has been designed to deliver high data performance over the nbn® satellite network.

ABSL3 Burst enables service providers to deliver plans which include CIR bandwidth for critical business applications with additional forward Peak Information Rate (PIR) bandwidth to burst to 150Mbps and return PIR bandwidth of up to 15Mbps when needed and available. This is designed to provide the bandwidth for non-critical data-heavy applications whilst still providing the capacity required for business critical applications.

For end customers who have a VoIP application across their network, the ABSL3 wholesale product can be configured to prioritise VoIP traffic against all other traffic types. This feature maximises the quality of voice traffic over the satellite network. 

The feature is available where the service provider has configured an ABS Layer 3 service from nbn where they can select from 1 VoIP service, 5 concurrent VoIP services or 10 concurrent VoIP services.

The business nbn® Satellite Service architecture will allow service providers to build a highly redundant solution with an indicative network availability target of 99.7%.

Learn more about the network behind the business nbn Satellite Service.

Fact sheet: Access Bandwidth Service Layer 3 (ABSL3)

Download (PDF - 156 KB)

^An end customer’s experience using the business nbn Satellite Service, including speeds and other performance characteristics, depend on a range of factors, such as the latency limitations inherent in satellite communications, the particular product and product features that have been selected by the service provider, the configuration of the products and product features being delivered, the time of usage in relation to certain internet-based access products, and other factors outside of nbn’s control (like their equipment quality, software, chosen broadband plan, signal reception, or how their service provider designs its network). 

nbn provides wholesale services to service providers. nbn wholesale speed tiers available to providers vary depending on the business nbn Satellite Service product(s) offered in an end customer’s area. Your experience using the business nbn Satellite Service, including speeds and other performance characteristics, depend on a range of factors, such as the latency limitations inherent in satellite communications, the particular product and product features that have been selected by the service provider, the configuration of the products and product features being delivered, the time of usage in relation to certain internet-based access products, and other factors outside of nbn’s control (like your equipment quality, software, chosen broadband plan, signal reception, or how their service provider designs its network).